GEORGE LOTHIAN (Eider brother of William Lothian)
b. Edinburgh, Scotland February 18, 1810; educated at Royal High School, Edinburgh; d. February 20, 1901 at Bristol, Quebec, Canada, aged 91 years. (New Harlem Register gives date of birth as February 20, 1810)
m. Susannah Hudson (18201901), widow of John Barney Whiting, February 27, 1842. (Details in Hudson family history)
Children of George and Suaannah Lothian:
Maria Lothian b. December 23, 1843, m. Robert L. Hunter, June 1, 1881. One child, Margaret Hunter (Web editor's grandmother), m. George Fisher (Web editor's grandfather) who died June, 1953. Two children, Marjorie (Web editor's mother) married Guy Lewis Langer and Barbara (Web editor's favorite aunt) married Dr. Charles Sweet.
Maria died Ottawa, Ontario August 1931, buried Norway Bay, Quebec.
George Lothian B. March 13, 1845; in. Abbie (Donnelly; Three children:
1. Amelia (Millie) in. Win. Sells; d. January 27, 1957, aged 84 at Burlington, Washington. Buried Vancouver B.C. An adopted son, William L. Sells, is a Lieut. in United States Navy, attached to aircraft carrier Boxer.
2. Maud Blanche b. November 3, 188~; died August 27, 1901. 3. Edward Lothian b. ? d. May 1957 m. Children of Edward Lothiara: 1. George Lothian, aeronaut and flight instructor, Vancouver, B.C. Made over 200 flights in Ferry Command from Canada to Great Britain during the Second World ~iar. Executive with Air Canada, Montreal. married Rose Crispin, one of the first air stewardesses. Two children, lives in Baie dUrfe, Quebec. 2. Freinlin (Lin) killed saving the life of a companion at Capilano Canyon, 1930 3. Adopted daughter, daughterof a missionary to the Indians, who married an Indian girl. Both died leaving baby girl.
George Lothian died July 30, 1897, buried Bar River Cemetery, Ontario (19 miles east of Sault St. Marie).